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September TXST Quarterly Team Award Winners

August 2021 - Clinical Services Team

Clinical Services Team

Members: Hillary Jones, Heather Aidala, Maryann Durocher, Cordell Spears, Cheryl Nickell


In our technological age, and especially in a time of increased social-distancing and remote telecommunications, online and remote telemental health options are vital. For the past two years, the Clinical Services Team (CST) in the Counseling Center has worked tirelessly to overhaul its systems and practices to provide more accessible services to Texas State University students. As part of this process, the CST has conducted interviews with university counseling centers across the state, coordinated with Student Affairs Technology Services to pilot online scheduling and program options, and has collaborated and discussed improved practices and procedures with university staff. All of this has been part of an extensive evaluation of the university’s counseling services and programs to identify the allocation of resources, enhance the use of technology, and fine-tune policies and procedures in the Center. The CST has managed to overhaul the Center’s models and technology in a time of increased need for mental health services and remote-access options.


Thank you to this team, whose time, dedication, and inter-and intra-departmental communication has contributed to the continued success of Texas State University and the mental health and well-being of our students.