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Space Audit Review Procedure


Texas State University Finance and Support Services (FSS) Planning maintains a university-wide space inventory that contains information related to buildings and rooms. 

This physical space inventory is required by The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). The proper classification of space is critical to the university’s efforts to manage the physical assets and obtain resources from state and federal agencies.

The space audit review process is intended to serve as a planning tool as well as reference for improving productive utilization of space.


Guidelines for Space Verification Form

A representative from FSS Planning will contact a department representative to formally request the completion of a departmental Space Verification Form. This form will include a list of the department’s assigned space by room. 

Each Space Verification Form will include the following information:

  • Building Name 
  • Floor
  • Room Number
  • Room Type and Utilization Description
  • Department
  • Room Occupants

This form will be returned to the Facilities Inventory Coordinator upon completion.

Upon receipt of completed Space Verification Form, the Facilities Inventory Coordinator will compare the Space Verification Form with the university space inventory and note any discrepancies.


Guidelines for Space Verification Review

Once analysis of the Space Verification Form is complete, FSS Planning will schedule a review of the locations listed in the Space Verification Form. The space verification review will be attended by the Facilities Inventory Coordinator and at least one staff member from the department being reviewed. To make the most effective use of time, the department representatives should review the department’s Space Verification Form and familiarize themselves with the data being reported.


Each space verification review will include the following phases:

  • Pre-Space Verification Review Interview to address any discrepancies between the university space inventory and the department’s reported space inventory. This interview should be conducted with a member of staff familiar with the department’s assigned space and activities related to each location.


  • Walkthrough of locations. The purpose of the walkthrough is to verify the occupant, size, capacity, space use, and functional categories of these locations as they are recorded in the university inventory.


  • Reconciliation. Upon completion of walkthrough, new data will be reconciled with existing data in the university space inventory by the Facilities Inventory Coordinator.


Post-Verification Review

Upon completion of the Reconciliation phase, the Facilities Inventory Coordinator will update the space inventory and submit a tabular report to the department and the Assistant VP of Financial Reporting and Planning reflecting any changes or updates made as result of the Space Verification Review.